Special circular saw blades
Very thin circular saw blades with cutting width from 0.6 for shaft mounting 30 mm. <br/>Cutting widths 1 .0..1.5..2.0 mm can be achieved with HM-tipped special saw blades. These saw blades usually have a thicker main blade and only on the outside a thinner edge with the corresponding HM-tipped saw teeth. The cutting depth of such saw blades is limited to approx. 30 mm. Due to the thinner saw blade and the wider saw teeth, heat dissipation during sawing is guaranteed. Thus, these can be used on high-speed circular saws. The cutting widths 1.0 and 1.5 mm are real exotics and are produced by the manufacturer only as special designs at high non-series prices. This is the reason for the relatively high price.
The HSS saw blades for metalworking circular saws (approx. 80 teeth) with cutting widths of 0.6 and 0.8 mm can also be used for wood to a limited extent. Since these saw blades are not set, they may be used for wood materials only at very low speed, only small cutting depth and avoiding heating of the log saw blade.<br/>Otherwise, improper use threatens breakage of the saw blade with great risk of accident. Use on high-speed circular saws is prohibited!
Thin saw blades are desirable where the saw cut is used, for example, as a holding slot for other materials or where as little material as possible is to be used. In organ building, the very thin saw cuts are used for holding tuning or intoblades on wooden pipes or wherever as little high-quality wood as possible is to be consumed.