Parat shell case, bags, drawer bags, tool backpack etc.
Parat leather cases and tool bags are very popular due to their robust and stable design. For the most diverse uses there are meanwhile shell cases in versch. For different uses there are now shell cases in different sizes and equipment with and without chassis, bags in different sizes and lengths with and without tool receptacles and tool bags. Bags in various sizes and lengths with and without tool holders and drawer inserts for small parts. For quick use or for assembly work on scaffolding or in shafts, Parat also offers a tool backpack.
If you need a light transport cart for the quick transport of your tools and materials, please click onFetra Paketroller.
Below you will find the Parat general catalog in pdf format to click on. There you can get an overview of all Parat cases and bags. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can also find good information about the whole Parat range on the websitehttp://www.parat.de/d/1084/. There you will also find manufacturer price quotations for your information. Please ask us for our favorable price of the product you are interested in by FAX or e-mail.
Parat tool backpack at a special price! An interesting alternative, the Back-Pack from Parat! Ideal for service work on elevators, on scaffolds, roofs etc., everywhere where you need to have both hands free to climb. Size approx. 320 x 170 x 425 mm, weight approx. 1900 g, black and grey coated nylon fabric reinforced by plastic frame and with padded back panel for carrying comfort. Fold-down front with large interior compartment with 16 slip pockets, 5 rubber loops and 2 clip pockets for documents. Exterior patch small parts compartment with pockets for business cards, pens, etc.
A well thought-out tool storage for mobile use at a reasonable price! Delivery without tools.